Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Eat Pray Love - The story of my trip

10 October

Having braved public transport and battled the streets of Perth, Sasha, Jai and I finally made the family meal.  It was the first time most of us had been together, which made it special.  Dinner was great apart from the delay in Stomie's food.  Still, it was nice to be around family after a few months away.

11 October

Marcus went away for the weekend down south, so I had the house to myself.  It was quite nice at first but then loneliness kicked in.  It's the first time, in over 3 months that I'd been on my own and had time to think about where I was or rather how far I was away from home.  During my Roadtrip in Vietnam, I picked up a book called "Eat Pray Love".  I'd been wanting to read it for a while but for some reason, I couldn't get into it for love nor money.  It was only during a chat with an old friend that she pointed out that this film reminded her of me.  But why?  It's based on a true story about a lady (played by Julia Roberts) who after a tubulant year (much like mine) decided to book a trip of a lifetime.  She chose to go to Italy so that she could EAT magnifent food, PRAY in the temples of India and find LOVE in Bali.  The latter certainly wasn't listed in my "reasons" but the basis of the story is definitely similar.  Apparently, I remind a few of my friends of Julia Roberts and if I meet my own Javier Bardem, then I certainly won't complain!

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